
ДКЦ "Неоклиник", ул. Петко Ю. Тодоров 20, 1408, ж.к. Стрелбище, София, България

“The path to life with diabetes without complications is prevention, adequate and timely treatment.”

Diabetic foot is a late complication of diabetes mellitus, which presents with skin and osteoarticular lesions in people with diabetes mellitus due to diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy and peripheral vascular lesions. The complication is characterized by chronic wounds, which can often be complicated by soft tissue infection and osteomyelitis (bone infection). In case of improper treatment, wounds often pass into gangrene. Very often amputation is the only life-saving operation.

The limitation of diabetes is essential for changes (visible or invisible) on the feet. Approximately 5 years after the onset of diabetes, a process of damage to the sweat secretion of the feet begins. To avoid the serious complications, it is imperative to start a constant and systemic care for the skin of the feet.


poor compensation for diabetes mellitus;
diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy of distal type due to nerve cavity disruption and improper nerve impulse transmission characterized by tingling, tingling, permanent or arterial pain in the two stages;
severely impaired blood supply due to damage to small blood vessels at the periphery;
orthopedic deformities, fall of the transverse and longitudinal arches of the feet due to diabetic polyneuropathy;
severe mycotic nail changes due to decreased immune protection resulting from diabetes mellitus;